Samaritan's Feet is a wonderful organization based out of Charlotte, started by Manny Ohonme. Growing up in Africa shoes were hard to come by for Ohonme. Many years later in the U.S. children all around the world still do not have shoes. Inspired by this vision, Ohonme and his team at Samaritan's Feet, hope to give every child a pair of shoes. Without shoes, children are prevented from going to school, as well as, makes the children accessible to many diseases that can be contracted from walking barefoot.
You can volunteer with them, go on a mission trip to distribute shoes, help at one of their events, or donate shoes that you have collected. There are so many ways to get involved.
Check out their website
Their events are listed both by country, state, and town
They are having their third annual Barefoot Gala on November 1st and this is a night to remember.
For more information, registration or corporate sponsorship check out the
website, or contact Tracie Ohonme at or by phone at 704-341-1630.